Rory Z (from HypnoTC) had a chat with Mr Jason Linett of Worksmart Hypnosis, who is a fellow National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) certified trainer (over in the USA). He also runs his own professional hypnotherapy practice (Virginia Hypnosis) and is a working stage hypnotist, performing shows all over America (including a performance at President Obama’s inaugural ball). As well as all that, Jason is EVERYWHERE online, and has been featured on various US TV stations (including CNN, the Travel Channel, and various CBS and FOX affiliates) and in a tonne of articles too. BUT…he also runs a highly successful hypnosis podcast, and that’s what this post is about.
First aired in May 2016, the WorkSmart Hypnosis podcast features Jason and Rory discussing how Rory got started in the hypnosis industry, including his time performing stage hypnosis shows throughout the UK (and how that went). They go on to talk about intuitive hypnosis and hypnotherapy, Rory’s own style of teaching hypnosis and how it’s a highly flexible model, allowing for modifications depending on the client and issue on a session-by-session basis. Finally Jason brings the conversation around to Sam the Sleepy Sheep (the children’s bedtime book written by HypnoTC tutors), talking about what the book is all about, how it works, what inspired Rory and Kate to write the book and much more…
To listen to this podcast, simply use either of the buttons below (depending on whether you’d like to listen on the Worksmart Hypnosis website now, or download the podcast as an MP3 to listen later / on a device):
…and if you have any questions about anything covered in the podcast, please get in touch.
– written by the HypnoTC team