Rapid Induction & Instant Hypnosis Training Courses

A ‘hypnotic induction’ is the technique that a hypnotherapist uses to hypnotise their client. There are many different types of hypnotic inductions out there, some take minutes (even tens of minutes), and are known as ‘progressive inductions’. Others, known as ‘rapid inductions’, take less than a minute, and can even take just a few seconds (yes, it really can be that quick)!

Fact: Some hypnotherapy clients will need a rapid induction!

Not all people are created equal. This is also true of hypnotherapy clients, and this is why some clients will require a non-standard type of hypnotic induction. Some people go into hypnosis slow, whereas others need to go into hypnosis FAST. So, what happens if, as a hypnotherapist, you only know how to do a slow, gradual ‘progressive’ induction? Or what if you can only hypnotise people using a ‘hypnosis script’? Well, if this is the case, you’re likely to be fighting an uphill battle, and your hypnotherapy session (and your client’s results) could suffer!

This is where rapid inductions will help you…

Learn Rapid Inductions

magnetic hands hypnotherapy suggestibility test hypnotherapist course learn rapid inductions

Rapid inductions are used by professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists all over the world, and they are a fantastically versatile hypnotherapy tool.

Being able to hypnotise people FAST is a unique skill, and one that will set you apart from many other hypnotherapists. By learning how to perform rapid hypnosis inductions, you will get those hypnotherapy clients that want a rapid induction, and your competitors won’t get a look in!

As well as offering that unique selling point, rapid inductions are also really useful for clients with conditions that render longer, more relaxation-focused inductions ineffective. For example, a pain management client is unlikely to be able to relax whilst they’re in pain. Similarly, a progressive induction is less likely to work for a highly anxious client.

Many hypnotherapists would struggle to hypnotise and work with those clients. However, rapid inductions give you an effective way of hypnotising those clients who do not respond to ‘standard hypnotherapy inductions’ that are taught on most hypnotherapy courses.

Become a Rapid Induction Specialist

Many hypnotherapists aren’t taught rapid inductions simply because a lot of hypnotherapy trainers are not experts at using rapid inductions. Some even make excuses about why they think rapid inductions are ‘bad’, or why they ‘shouldn’t be used in the therapy room’. Most of the time, it’s really because those trainers aren’t confident using (and teaching) rapid inductions! Unfortunately, that means their students don’t get the rapid induction training they need!

Effectively teaching rapid inductions takes skill. However, when you get the right rapid induction trainer, these inductions are very easy to learn and master!

At HypnoTC, as well as being experts in hypnotherapy, our tutors are also experts in teaching rapid induction techniques for use in hypnotherapy. Dr Kate is one of the go-to rapid induction trainers for hypnotists and hypnotherapists from all over the world. With rapid induction books, online courses and live-in person rapid induction training, if you’re a hypnotherapist and you want to learn rapid inductions, then you’re in the right place!

Rapid induction approaches are ideal when you are limited for time and when you wish to have your client go in and out of hypnosis several times within a session. For example, when working with athletes and performers. They are also superb for interrupting ‘the pain trance’ and are particularly effective when working with acute pain. Furthermore, they are really impressive when you are demostrating hypnosis to groups.

Trainees at the HypnoTC Rapid Induction Specialist Course at Royal Horseguards Hotel

Rapid Therapy Approaches Workshop

You will get masses of practice on this fast-paced and highly interactive workshop, becoming confident to use rapid inductions, deepeners and therapy approaches.

Online Rapid Therapy Approaches Course

Prefer to watch and practice at home? Dr Kate’s Rapid Therapy Approaches Online Course gives you everything you need to start hypnotising FAST! And, you can start watching right away…

New Rapid Book COMING SOON - Watch This Space!

Dr Kate has written an innovative and ground-breaking book which includes a superb range of rapid inductions and other rapid approaches which will enable you to work quickly and efficiently.

Got Questions?

If you’d like to learn more about rapid inductions and hypnotising quickly, please contact Dr Kate directly. She’s always happy to chat, and will help you choose the option that’s best for you.