HypnoTC tutor becomes CNHC Hypnotherapy Board Member

HypnoTC tutor becomes CNHC Hypnotherapy Board Member

New CNHC Hypnotherapy Profession Specific Board member

Congratulations are due for our very own Dr Kate Beaven-Marks, having been voted a member of the Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council’s Profession Specific Board for Hypnotherapy. To be a CNHC Hypnotherapy Profession Specific Board member is a highly respected national position, which demonstrates her depth and breadth of knowledge as a hypnotherapist & trainer in London (and internationally), and shows her continued commitment to improving the hypnosis industry as a whole. Well done Kate!

The Profession Specific Boards (PSB) are a key component of the structure of the CNHC. Members of the Hypnotherapy board give the CNHC expert advice relating to hypnotherapy matters. The PSBs for all of the therapies regulated by the CNHC meet twice a year. The CNHC give updates and the PSBs discuss matters than affect all therapies, such as changes to education standards and the impact of those on the UK Core Curriculums.


Image of Dr Kate Beaven-Marks. Find out more at www.hypnotc.com


Contact Kate


CNHC Board Member for Hypnotherapy


– written by the HypnoTC team

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