HypnoTC: Best hypnotherapy training school 2017!

HypnoTC Best hypnotherapy training school 2017!

Holistic therapist magazine Holistic Business Awards 2nd place hypnotc hypnotherapy training company 2017 winner


We’re happy to announce that having been entered into the Holistic Therapist Magazine’s 2017 awards for ‘best training school’, we received an amazing result when we attended the awards in October at the London Olympia, taking 2nd place (out of hundreds of entries), just being pipped by the ‘Jing Advanced Massage Training‘ company from Brighton. Congratulations to them for coming in 1st place!

Training School Holistic Business Awards 2nd place hypnotc hypnotherapy training company 2017 winner

We’re really happy to have received second place at this huge wellbeing awards ceremony, and because first place was a massage company, this makes us the #1 hypnotherapy training school to receive the award! Woo hoo! We’re super grateful and we’d like to thank all of the students, graduates, friends and fans who voted for us, it’s an honour and a privilege to have received this accolade. Thank you to all of the Holistic Magazine and Holistic Business Awards staff, and everyone else who made this possible.

Best training school with Dr Kate at the Holistic therapist magazine Holistic Business Awards 2nd place hypnotc hypnotherapy training company 2017 winner dr kate beaven marks Holistic therapist magazine Holistic Business Awards 2nd place hypnotc hypnotherapy training company 2017 winner

Thanks again, and if you’d like more information on HypnoTC: The Hypnotherapy Training Company and the courses that we offer, do please get in touch, because we’re always happy to help!


– written by the HypnoTC team

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