Dr Kate re-elected to CNHC Profession Specific Board

cnhc board member 2018

It’s been 3 years since the last election for Profession Specific Board members for the CNHC (Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council), where our very own Dr Kate Beaven-Marks was voted in to represent the hypnotherapy profession. The 2018 elections have just happened, and we’re happy to confirm that Kate has been re-elected as a Hypnotherapy Profession Specific Board member! This means she’ll continue to oversee all things hypnotherapy-related alongside the CNHC, helping to make critical decisions about the further advancement of the hypnotherapy industry in the UK.

To be a CNHC Hypnotherapy Profession Specific Board member is a highly respected national position, which demonstrates Kate’s depth and breadth of knowledge as a hypnotherapist & trainer in London (and internationally), and shows her continued commitment to improving the hypnosis industry as a whole. Well done again Kate!


CNHC Board Member for Hypnotherapy


If you have any questions about this topic or anything else for that matter, do please get in touch, because we’re always happy to help!


– written by the HypnoTC team

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