We are HypnoTC: The Hypnotherapy Training Company, an award-winning hypnotherapy training school based in London. Founded in 2015 by Dr Kate Beaven-Marks and Rory Z Fulcher, it brought together over 40 years’ experience in the hypnotherapy industry. Since 2022, Dr Kate is our Director of Studies and leads on all HypnoTC hypnotherapy training courses. She is supported by a team of specialists who are experts in their respective fields. As you will see from Dr Kate’s bio below, she has a wealth of knowledge and experience that has led her to become one of the most well-respected figures in the hypnosis and hypnotherapy community. As well as teaching hypnotherapy, Dr Kate continues to run her own international hypnotherapy practice, both online and in person. This greatly benefits our students, because the best hypnotherapy teachers are those with real-world experience helping clients.
With hundreds of satisfied graduates across the UK and internationally, as well as range of top-tier accreditations, our practitioner-level training is widely regarded as among the best in the world. So, if you want to learn to help others and become a confident, professional hypnotherapist – you’re in the right place.
At HypnoTC, we specialise in all aspects of hypnotherapy training, and we are constantly striving to ensure that all of the techniques we teach (and the strategies we use to teach them) are of the highest quality, meaning that everything we do is delivered to the best possible standard.
As well as being a well-recognised hypnosis expert, Dr Kate is a qualified teacher with industry-standard teaching qualifications. This means that not only do we know all about hypnotherapy and how/ why it works, we also know how to effectively convey that information to our students in order to optimise learning and build confidence.
We pride ourselves on the fact that our course content is always cutting-edge and highly functional. This means that you will be able to seamlessly integrate all of the knowledge and skills that you learn with us into your own therapy practice. With this level of understanding, you will be able to offer the best possible solution for your prospective clients, and you’ll have the ability to resolve any type of issue that a client may come to you with.
At HypnoTC we are passionate about all things hypnosis-related, because for us, hypnotherapy is more than just a ‘job’ – it’s a lifestyle, and this passion comes across in all of our training (as you can see from our recent graduate testimonials). As a leading hypnotherapy training provider, our main goal is to see our students and graduates succeed as confident, effective professional hypnotherapists – our passion is helping you to help others.
Dr Kate is an energetic, enthusiastic and passionate hypnotherapy trainer, with a cumulative theoretical and practical knowledge of hypnosis that would be difficult to surpass.
Kate has a Doctorate of Education, based upon the educational aspects of hypnosis from a professionalism perspective. As part of the research for her Doctorate, she completed training with many (200+) international hypnosis and hypnotherapy training providers, and has a personal library of hypnosis-related books that would impress even the most avid enthusiast. This alone makes her one of the most well-rounded, highly qualified hypnotherapy trainers in the UK (and the world).
Kate’s passion for the subject goes above and beyond any other hypnotherapy trainers you’re likely to meet. She is an exceptionally talented, honest and approachable expert in the field of hypnosis, and is a fountain of knowledge, always willing to share a wealth of information with her students, peers and colleagues.
As well as being a first-class hypnotherapist, Kate is also a highly experienced teacher in fields including industry and higher education. She has various highly-respected professional endorsements, such as Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy and Fellowship with the Royal Society of Medicine – not to mention being a Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). For more information, check out Kate’s (impressive) hypnosis ‘CV’ here:
Doctorate of Education – Focus on hypnotherapy teaching and learning from a professionalism perspective.
MSc.Psychology – Research on the influence of anxiety and mindfulness on hypnotic susceptibility.
MSc.OEHSM – Research on training style influence on absorption and retention of information.
Board Certified Instructor of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH)
Certificate in hypnotherapy supervision
Communication Skills Diploma (Trinity College)
Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector – Level 4
Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy
Board Certified Hypnotist (NGH)
British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis (BSCAH) Modules 1-3
Certified Professional Hypnotist (ICBCH)
Certified Hypnotherapist (IAPCH)
Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis
Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
Diploma in Hypnotherapy
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) practitioner
Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD)
Hypnotically-enhanced Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
NLP Master Practitioner
Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis
Practitioner Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy
Senior Advanced Practitioner of the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
Advanced clinical assessment skills
Advanced clinical hypnosis pain management
Advanced stage hypnosis
Anxiety specialist
Applied cold reading
Assertiveness training
Body language
Certified anxiety specialist
Cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy (Advanced Diploma)
Complementary medical hypnotism (NGH)
Conversational hypnosis
Dementia awareness
Effective pain control through hypnotherapy
Immune systems coach
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) – licensed practitioner
Integrative addictions solutions
Master stage hypnotist
Nutrition and health (NCFE)
Pain control and emergency hypnosis (NGH)
Personal/group confidence enhancement (BPS)
Practice building and practice management
Precision hypnosis
Professional stage hypnosis
Rapid deep trance hypnosis
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
Social anxiety – case formulation, exposure and response prevention
Smoking cessation specialist
Stage hypnosis safety
Teaching clients mindfulness skills
Ultimate stage hypnotism
Understanding blood pressure and primary hypertension using hypnotherapy
Understanding health improvement (RSPH)
Working with domestic violence
Working with recovered memory
Workplace hypnosis
Accredited Member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy
Certified Fellow of the Institute of Risk Management
Certified Member of the International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists
Chartered Member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Fellow of Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists
Fellow of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Fellow of the Federation of Holistic Therapists
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
Fellow of the Society of Education and Training
Member of the Academy of Hypnotic Arts
Member of the Association of IEMT Practitioners
Member of the Association of Therapy Lecturers
Member of the British Psychological Society
Member of the British Psychological Society Division for Teachers and Researchers in Psychology
Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management
Member of the International Association for the Study of Pain
Member of the International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy
Member of the International Council of Holistic Therapists
Member of the Professional Association of Clinical Therapists
Registrant of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council
Chair of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
FE lecturer (Morley College) in psychology, hypnotherapy and study skills.
Hypnotherapy/EMDR trainer University College London Hospitals
Profession Specific Board member (Hypnotherapy) for the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
Subject specialist lecturer and examiner MSc Hypnotherapy (University of West London)
British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
General Hypnotherapy Register
As well as authoring a number of books and blogs, Kate has also been published in:
The Hypnotherapy Journal, Vol 20(3) 2020, “To test or not to test? Is it even a question?”
The Hypnotherapy Journal, Vol 19(3), 2019, “Conducting hypnotherapy research, getting started”.
The Hypnotherapy Journal, Vol 19(1), 2019, “Preparing for communication success: Self-efficacy”.
Massage World, Issue 96, 2017, “Hypnomassage”
2011, Chapter 17, Work and Wellbeing in “Understanding Wellbeing: An introduction for Students and Practitioners of Health and Social Care” edited by A. Knight.
Birkbeck University Psychological Society
British Psychological Society
British Society of Clinical Hypnosis Conference
CAM Expo
Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Association Conference (US)
Education Show
Eton College Psychological Society
Global Risk Management Professional Forum
Higher Education Academy Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference
Hypnothoughts Convention (US)
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health International Conference
Institute of Risk Management Risk Forum
James Braid Society
London Banks Forum
London College of Clinical Hypnosis Conference
Mind, Body, Spirit Londo
National Safety Symposium
National Guild of Hypnotists World Education Convention (US)
UK Hypnosis Convention
University College Hospital London – Radiology team
University of East London Teaching and Learning Conference
Advanced literature searching, critical appraisal, NVIVO applications, project management for researchers, good clinical practice (NIHR), supervising MA projects and dissertations (SEDA), getting into print (BPS)
Federation of Holistic Therapists Research Excellence Award 2015
Accident investigation, appraisal, assistive technology and ergonomics, brave conversations, Clickview, communication skills for team leaders, dealing with challenging situations and behaviours, difficult conversations, disability, disaster management, diversity, DSE assessment educational visits co-ordination, emergency first aid, equality, expert witness report writing, fire safety, fire warden, health and safety for therapists, human rights, inclusion, infection control, information governance, interactive diversity, interviewing skills, legionella and asbestos, managing medicines, manual handling training, medical emergencies, mental health awareness, Moodle, moving and handling, networking, podcasting, positive handling, prevention and control of infection in health care settings, prevention and management of violence and aggression, radiation safety, recognising challenging behaviours, recruitment and selection, safeguarding adults, safeguarding children, social media use, staff development and review, working at height
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